Du`a' during the Friday Khutbah


Q: The Khatib (preacher), in the nearby Masjid (mosque), always closes the second Khutbah saying, "I ask for Allah's Forgiveness for me, you, and all Muslims." Sometimes, he asks Allah to grant him and those who attend the Khutabah the best place in Paradise. This is the best invocation, as the Messenger (peace be upon him) taught, We only seek for it i.e. Paradise, but through various ways. However, some of the people who go to prayer say that Friday is a great day on which one hopes for a response from Allah. They want to make a long Du`a' that fits their situation imitating the supplications made for rain. They want the Khatib to go into Du`a' asking Allah to grant the Muslims victory, to help the rulers follow the truth, to disintegrate and weaken the enemies, etc. The Khatib says that the Messenger (peace be upon him), the Rightly-Guided Caliphs, and Sahabah (Companions of the Prophet) did not adhere to making Du`a' and he follows their line of conduct. People began to desert the Masjid (Part No. 8; Page No. 232) and go to another one far from their houses because of this Khatib. The Khatib of the other Masjid makes many and long Du`a's and people say Amin after him. What is the ruling on making Du`a' at the end of the Khutbah?

A: Invocations are permissible during Friday sermons, for the Prophet (peace be upon him) used to do so. However, the Imam must not insist on particular supplications but should make different supplications depending on the situation. As for the amount of the supplications, if they should be many or few, depends on the need at the time. The Prophet (peace be upon him) would sometimes repeat the same supplication three times while sometimes he would repeat it only twice. It is a sunnah for the khatib to do his best to perform the khutbah and supplications in the manner that the Prophet (peace be upon him) did.May Allah grant us success. May peace and blessings be upon our Prophet Muhammad, his family, and Companions.


Question and Answer  _Yusuf Estes_alecture _   the converted to islam